The Rev. Philip Johnson, Ph.D., Finlandia University president, gives an introductory speech during his Inauguration in the Paavo Nurmi Center on Finlandia's campus Sept. 20. (Video © 2007 Gustavo Bourdieu, Keweenaw Now photographer)
HANCOCK -- Finlandia University (formerly Suomi College) held an Inaugural Ceremony for its new President, the Rev. Philip Johnson, Ph.D., a pastor of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) with 18 years of church-related leadership experience, including congregational ministry, teaching and administration. He has lived and worked in the United States, Tanzania, Kenya and Ethiopia.
The Inaugural Ceremony was the highlight of a day of special activities for visitors to Finlandia. It began with a Call to Gather by the Four Thunders Drum of the Keweenaw Bay Indian Community and Lac Vieux Désert. The Inaugural Celebration Chorus, directed by Gregory Campbell and accompanied by Carla Phillips, sang former Suomi College music director and composer Martti Nisonen's "Olen Niinkuin Pilvi" ("Like a Cloud I Am"), with soloists Ann Campbell, soprano, and Charles White, tenor.

The program also included music by pianist Clay Hilman and organist Carla Phillips. Northern Great Lakes Synod-ELCA Bishop Dr. Thomas Skrenes led the Rite of Installation.
Kivajat, the local Children's Finnish-American Folk Dance Group, performed under the direction of Kay Seppala.

The Rev. Dr. Said Ailabouni, senior pastor at Grace Lutheran Church, LaGrange, Ill., delivered the inaugural address. Pastor Ailabouni was born and raised in Galilee in the city of Nazareth. He studied for pastoral ministry at Luther Seminary, St. Paul Minn., and at the Lutheran School of Theology, Chicago. Ailabouni was President Johnson’s supervisor at the Mekane Yesus Theological Seminary in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

President Johnson and his wife, René Johnson, Finlandia's interim campus pastor and director of servant leadership, also participated in the evening dance, with music played by the PasiCats and Erik Koskinen.