A folk and jazz music workshop will take place from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 22 at the Finlandia University Finnish American Heritage Center, Hancock. Sibelius Academy musicians will conduct the workshop. The musicians play guitar, piano, accordion, stand up bass and drums. The cost is $25 per person. Lunch will be served.

The Thomas Juhani Turunen Trio will co-lead Tuesday's folk and jazz music workshop in Hancock and will present a full-length concert Sept. 25 in Calumet, Mich. They will also perform Sept. 23 in Ishpeming, Mich. The jazz trio's repertoire ranges from original compositions and jazz standards to selected Finnish compositions.
The trio was formed in 2008 by the three young Helsinki-based musicians -- Thomas Juhani Turunen on piano, William Tarvainen on the upright bass and Mikko Arlin on drums. Their music combines the American jazz tradition and the classical lyricism of European jazz.
At 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 22, Duo Luomala and Salminen, will perform a folk music concert at the Finlandia University Finnish American Heritage Center, Hancock. The folk musicians are Anssi Salminen, guitar, and Markus Luomala, accordion. Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for students. Finlandia University students and children age 10 and under are free.

Anssi and Markus, both known as charismatic live performers, have been performing together since 2008. Their concerts include modern arrangements of traditional Finnish fiddle tunes and original compositions. View their MySpace page and listen to their music at www.myspace.com/luomalasalminen.
Duo Räisänen and Parko is a classical music ensemble. Violinist Viola Räisänen and pianist Maija Parko began their musical collaboration in 2005, and they perform actively in Finland.

After performing a full-length concert Monday, Sept. 21, at Our Savior Lutheran Church in Naperville, Ill., Duo Räisänen and Parko will travel to the Upper Peninsula to join the other Sibelius musicians in two concerts -- Wednesday, Sept. 23, in Ishpeming, and Friday, Sept. 25, in Calumet. Visit the duo’s website at www.maijaviola.com.
These seven Sibelius Academy musicians will perform a folk, jazz and classical community concert from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 23, at the W. C. Peterson Auditorium, Ishpeming , Mich. High school students and high school teachers attend free. Tickets are $5 for adults. The concert is open to the public.
At 7 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 25, the Tuomas Juhani Turunen Trio, a jazz combo, will perform a concert with special guests Duo Raisanen and Parko and Duo Luomala and Salminen at the Calumet Theatre, Calumet. Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for students with ID. Finlandia University students and children age 10 and under are free.
The Finlandia University Sibelius Academy Music Festival is intended to promote the enjoyment and appreciation of contemporary and traditional Finnish music. The prestigious Sibelius Academy enjoys a reputation as one of the largest and most elite music academies in Europe .
Concert tickets may be purchased at North Wind Books, Hancock, or on-line at http://finlandia-university.ticketleap.com.
For additional information about the 11th annual Sibelius Academy Music Festival, please contact festival coordinators Karen Johnson (karen.johnson@finlandia.edu, 906-487-7348) or Kaisa Randolph (kaisa.randolph@finlandia.edu, 906-487-7338).