Skiers climb a challenging hill during a previous Great Bear Chase race on the Swedetown Trails. (File photo © Keweenaw Now)
CALUMET --The 28th annual River Valley State Bank Great Bear Chase cross country ski competition will be held on Sunday, March 9. The 26 km classic race begins at 8:40 a.m., and both the 26 km and 51 km freestyle races begin at 9 a.m. This year both the start and the finish of the race will be in or near downtown Calumet.
This year’s race will feature a newly relocated start line. Skiers will line up and begin the race behind the Christ Episcopal Church on Red Jacket Road. Bear Chase participants and spectators may recall that last year marked a similar change: the relocation of the finish line to downtown Fifth Street, which will be repeated this year.
According to the Bear Chase race planning committee, holding the competition’s start near Calumet’s downtown is a great way for the community to get a better view of the skiers. Spectators will have the opportunity to witness the competitors -- approximately 500 in total -- as they take off from the start line.
Dave Mayo-Kiely, a coordinator with the race planning committee, said the locations of the start and finish lines will add to the atmosphere of the event -- for skiers and spectators alike.
"Holding elements of the race in Calumet’s downtown really adds to the overall event," said Mayo-Kiely. "The atmosphere of the historic buildings and churches makes everything that much more exciting. Plus, it’s great that the spectators can head into the downtown shops and businesses."
The race planning committee has also once again assured participants that they are hard at work to provide good skiing conditions -- well groomed trails with plenty of clean snow, even in the downtown areas and away from the regular trails.
The remainder of the race will mimic last year’s competition, with participants in the three events -- 26 km classic, 26 km freestyle, and 51 km freestyle -- skiing the Swedetown trail system before heading down for their big finish on Fifth Street.
The race planning committee notes another key benefit: participants will end the race within close walking distance to the Keweenaw Heritage Center, which serves as the staging and refreshment area. Skiers will be able to refuel and head right back out to cheer on their fellow racers.
Thanks to owners Frank and Emily Fiala, skiers can also take advantage of coupons to visit the new Fifth and Elm Coffee House, near the Calumet Theatre, which will be open all day Sunday for racers and visitors.
Online registration will not be available on the day of the race; to pre-register or to obtain more information, visit
Volunteers needed
Volunteers are still needed to help with the race. On Saturday for registration volunteers are needed from 12 noon to 4 p.m. and from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m.
On Sunday several road crossings from downtown to the snowmobile trail need to be staffed throughout the whole day; back-up timing people are also needed. For both road crossing and timing functions the duties will be split between shifts running from 8 a.m. - 11 a.m. and then from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.
If you can help out, please send Dave Mayo-Kiely an email at and indicate your preferred task and time.
Junior Bear Chase
The Junior Bear Chase, a youth Nordic ski race for skiers up to 16-years-old, will take place on Saturday, March 8, at the Michigan Tech Trails. All finishers receive a participation award. Awards will be presented for first, second and third place in each age/gender division in each race.
The race is sponsored by the Copper Country Ski Tigers, a youth nordic ski organization.
Fees are $5 if received by March 6, 2008; $7 day-of-race. Mail registration forms, with check payable to Ski Tigers, to Ski Tigers, PO Box 512, Hancock MI 49930. NOTE: Registration must be RECEIVED BY March 6 to qualify as pre-registered.
For more information visit the Ski Tigers Web site.