HANCOCK -- Keweenaw Now has just posted a new slide show on the January 2011 "Art from the Kalevala" exhibit at the Copper Country Community Arts Center. A closing reception for the exhibit was held on Jan. 29, 2011, during the Heikinpäivä celebration.

"Is there room upon this island,
Land enough upon the mainland
As a place for me to play in,
As a field for me to dance on
At the sportings of the virgins,
At the rompings of the braidheads?" (from the Kalevala)
The Kalevala is a 19th-Century work of epic poetry compiled by Elias Lönnrot from Finnish and Karelian oral folklore and mythology. It is regarded as the national epic of Finland and is one of the most significant works of Finnish literature.
Twelve local artists interpreted various scenes from the Kalevala in their works exhibited at the Community Arts Center’s Kerredge Gallery during January. The artists are Eileen Sundquist, Jack Oyler, Paul Osmak, Paul Olson, Eric Munch, Clyde Mikkola, Jan Manniko, Joyce Koskenmaki, Melissa Hronkin, Susan Hamilton, Bob Dawson, and Cynthia Coté.
Some of the artists included lines from the Kalevala, in translation, to describe the scene portrayed in their art. We have included some of these in the slide show captions.
In case you missed the exhibit and the reception, check out our slide show by clicking here or on any of the photos in our slide show link (right column).
Watch for a slide show of more Heikinpäivä events, coming soon.
Land enough upon the mainland
As a place for me to play in,
As a field for me to dance on
At the sportings of the virgins,
At the rompings of the braidheads?" (from the Kalevala)
The Kalevala is a 19th-Century work of epic poetry compiled by Elias Lönnrot from Finnish and Karelian oral folklore and mythology. It is regarded as the national epic of Finland and is one of the most significant works of Finnish literature.
Twelve local artists interpreted various scenes from the Kalevala in their works exhibited at the Community Arts Center’s Kerredge Gallery during January. The artists are Eileen Sundquist, Jack Oyler, Paul Osmak, Paul Olson, Eric Munch, Clyde Mikkola, Jan Manniko, Joyce Koskenmaki, Melissa Hronkin, Susan Hamilton, Bob Dawson, and Cynthia Coté.
Some of the artists included lines from the Kalevala, in translation, to describe the scene portrayed in their art. We have included some of these in the slide show captions.
In case you missed the exhibit and the reception, check out our slide show by clicking here or on any of the photos in our slide show link (right column).
Watch for a slide show of more Heikinpäivä events, coming soon.