HANCOCK -- The New Power Tour Energy Expo will take place from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 29, at Hancock Middle School. Admission is free for this day-long educational event, which will feature exhibits and displays, expert resource people and fun activities for youth.
Learn about everything from solar panels to renewable energy from bio-mass resources. Exhibits and presentations will include energy efficiency; wind turbines; and alternative energy practices being used now at Upper Peninsula parks, schools and businesses. If you want to learn ways to save money on your energy bills, or how to qualify for credits and tax incentives, then don't miss the Energy Expo.
Representatives from state and federal agencies, environmental organizations, energy product and service businesses will be on hand -- along with tables of free information about renewable energy and related topics. Outdoor exhibits will feature wood, wind and solar power and energy systems for camps, homes and workplaces.
The Keweenaw Food Co-op will provide tasty treats and coffee.
Dr. DeYoe has assisted many communities and companies to capitalize on the benefits of a value-added bio-economy. He will present his strategy for innovative use of renewable resources (particularly forest and agricultural biomass). The focus is on the growing use of forest and agricultural biomass as bio-product alternatives for fossil fuels in production of energy/fuels, speciality chemicals and bio-materials which are more environmentally benign and can support an array of rural business opportunities.
Michael Schira, Houghton-Keweenaw County Extension Director, will host several presentations during the day. Here is the schedule:
10 a.m. -- Girl Scout Troop 91: Wind Power Presentation
10:30 a.m. -- Maria Janowiak, Outreach Scientist, Northern Institute of Applied Carbon Science, MTU School of Forest Resources and Environmental Sciences: BioEnergy - What's it All About?
11 a.m. -- Chris Case, Facility Manager, Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore: Biofuels And Their
1 p.m. -- Bill Horvath, Chair, Wisconsin Forestry Council, Woody Biomass Task Force: Fuels for Schools Program and Great Lakes Woody Biomass Commodity Exchange
2 p.m. -- Dr. Jeff Naber, Michigan Tech Department of Mechanical Engineering: MTU's Wood To Wheels Enterprise
3 p.m. -- Bruce Woodry, CEO, Sigma Capital Group, Inc.: Tomorrow's Energy Today
4 p.m. -- Melissa Davis, General Manager, New Power Tour, Inc.: Community-Owned Energy Pilot Project
7 p.m. -- Mike Reid, General Manager & Chief Operations Officer, L’Anse Warden Electric Company, LLC: Biomass cogeneration and the progress of the conversion of the 20 MW L’Anse Warden power plant from coal to biomass
8 p.m. -- KEYNOTE ADDRESS: Dr. David DeYoe, Ph.D.: The Emerging Bio-Economy: Creating Local Opportunities In Light of Global Trends
For more information contact Melissa Davis at melissa@collagehapnin.com or visit the New Power Tour Web site.
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