The Houghton office, at 509 Shelden Ave., will complement the party’s Calumet office, already open at 305 Sixth St.

"With two months left before the election, we are excited to get our Houghton office open," said Brian Hoduski, HCDP co-chair. "Now, in partnership with the Obama Campaign for Change, the HCDP has an office dedicated to serving central Houghton County and to helping to elect our local, state and national tickets."
The Houghton office will be staffed by Obama Campaign for Change staffer Mike Levin and by HCDP volunteers. Party Secretary Barb Turuc-Mills will coordinate the Houghton office. Mary Hunt is the Calumet office coordinator.

With U.S. Senators Barack Obama and Joe Biden at the top of the Democratic ticket, the campaign office will also provide re-election support for U.S. Senator Carl Levin and U.S. Congressman Bart Stupak, for State Representative Mike Lahti, for Houghton County Drain Commissioner John Pekkala, Clerk Mary Schoos and County Commissioners Scot Ala, Anton Pintar and Paul Luoma.
Visit the HCDP Web site at
For more information contact Co-Chair Brian Hoduski at 906-482-7913.
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