HANCOCK -- The Keweenaw Nordic Ski Club (KNSC) presents the second annual Glide-N-Gorge from noon to 3 p.m. on Sunday, March 7. Glide in the Swedetown Creek Gorge on the Maasto Hiihto Trails for fine food.
Three tables will be serving homemade fare. The Glide starts and ends at the chalet at the Houghton County Fairgrounds in Hancock. All proceeds go for trail equipment. Tickets are $15 until Friday, March 5, and $25 thereafter. They may be purchased from any KNSC board member, at trail pass outlets, or at the chalet on the day of the Glide.
The well marked course of just 3.5 miles (extra loops available to work up your appetite) will guide you to the first food stop near Tomasi Road. This Hors-d'oeuvre table will feature delights from the Keweenaw Co-op. After this "warm-up," you'll descend along the Swedetown Creek on one of the prettiest trails in the Keweenaw!

The next stop will be piping hot chili and soups galore at a scenic spot along the creek. You'll continue down the creek and then "cruise" up Sisu Hill. Once back at the chalet, you can celebrate the circumnavigation of the gorge with live music and delectable desserts. Stay and socialize!
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