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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

International Council of Indigenous Grandmothers: Pray for healing global waters May 18

WORLDWIDE -- The International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers asks you to join them TODAY, MAY 18, 2010, for a day of Conscious Participation in Healing Our Planetary Waters. Here is the announcement from one of their international Web sites:

"Along with many peoples all around the globe, and many water prayers this spring, we are calling for a MASSIVE GLOBAL EFFORT. Our main intention for this healing is to return the waters to their original pure crystalline blueprint, and to add to their abundance for the nourishment of ALL living things on the planet. Pray in your local waterways, at the rivers or lakes or streams. Or pray with a bowl of water in the middle of the cities."

The Yellow Dog River near Lake Superior, a stream now threatened by the potential Rio Tinto-Kennecott sulfide mine for nickel and copper. (Keweenaw Now file photo)

From the African Rainforest in Gabon to the Black Hills of North America to the Brazilian Amazon to the Himalayas in Nepal and Tibet to Lake Kissyk-Kul in Kyrgyzstan to Lake Superior, grandmothers and others who care about the water will be offering prayers and ceremonies.

Click on these links for more information:

And en español (including 13 Grandmothers video clip in English):

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