It’s a homecoming for Sharik, who taught in the School of Forestry and Wood Products from 1986 to 1993. While at Michigan Tech, he was president of the University Senate and associate director of the Lake Superior Ecosystem Research Center. Since 1993, he has been a professor of forest ecology at Utah State University in Logan, Utah. At Utah State, Sharik served as head of the Departments of Forest Resources and Environment and Society.
Sharik is co-founder of the Biennial Conferences on University Education in Natural Resources and the North American Forest Ecology Workshops. He remains deeply involved in educational reform in natural resources at the national and global levels through National Association of University Forest Resources programs. He is a fellow of the Society of American Foresters.
In 2005, Sharik helped establish the Gombe School of Environment and Society (GOSESO) in Tanzania, East Africa. He has served on the editorial board of the Journal of Forestry. He serves as chair of the GOSESO-USA board and the Sustainable Forests Partnership.
"Terry’s wide range of experience was evident throughout the interview process," said Professor Blair Orr, who chaired the search committee for the new Forestry dean. "He has an understanding of coursework and accreditation, not only of how it works today, but also insight into where it will be tomorrow. He has worked on large collaborative, interdisciplinary research projects and has a vision of how the School of Forest Resources and Environmental Science can partner with others on campus to build stronger and more effective research programs."
Click here to read the rest of the story on the Michigan Tech News.
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