HANCOCK -- Keweenaw Now is extending the deadline and broadening categories for our Lake Superior Photo Contest through Aug. 31, 2007. Send us your favorite photo of Lake Superior or a related body of water, beach, etc., in the Lake Superior basin. Categories include landscape (the beauty of the lake), wildlife (if you can catch them) or responsible action / education (e.g., doing something to leave the beach cleaner than you found it, learning /teaching about lake ecology, etc.) We will accept photos of or near the lake taken any time this summer -- between May 1 and Aug. 31, 2007. Winners will be posted on this new blog. See previous post for contest rules.
P.S.: If you have a short community announcement, post it as a comment on the blog!
Photo: Limnologist Judith Budd tests the lake level at a point near Copper Harbor for participants in the Reading the Landscape Shorelands program on June 30, 2007, aboard the Isle Royale Queen IV. Click on photo for larger version. (Photo © 2007 Gustavo Bourdieu)
nice story
Thanks, Michele, many people want to post pictures, 30 days is good!!
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