LANSING, MARQUETTE --Despite an internal investigation focused on the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality’s (DEQ's) mismanagement of the application review process for a proposed sulfide mine under the Yellow Dog Plains and Salmon Trout River, near Marquette, the DEQ announced on July 30, 2007, that it "has resumed its review of the Eagle Project Mine permit application and reinstated its earlier proposed decision to approve a series of permits to the Kennecott Eagle Minerals Company." The DEQ calls this decision "only a proposal," noting that public hearings have been scheduled near Marquette at the West Branch Community Center (on old KI Sawyer Air Force Base) in Forsyth Township September 11-13, as well as at the Lansing Center on September 19. The public comment period will remain open through October 17, and written comments can be sent to DEQ/DNR Kennecott Comments, Office of Geological Survey, P.O. Box 30256, Lansing, Michigan 48909-7756, or by e-mail at DEQ-Kennecott-comments@michigan.gov. National Wildlife Federation attorney Michelle Halley said acid mine drainage and the mine's roof caving in are among public concerns that still have not been addressed. "The application is deficient and the operation would undeniably cause pollution," Halley said. Read more in the July 31, 2007, Mining Journal article, "Mine backers, foes get set for hearings." Visit Save the Wild UP for more information on this update.
Photo: A fall 2006 view of the Salmon Trout River, which flows through an area proposed for Kennecott Minerals' Eagle Project sulfide mine. The river contains a rare population of Coaster Brook Trout. Click on photo for larger version. (Photo © 2007 and courtesy lexup at Save the Wild UP. Reprinted with permission.)
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