There is an event for everyone. Runners can choose a 5 km or 8 km race. Walkers can participate in the 5 km fun walk. There is a youth 2 km race and, new this year, a three-person-team 5 km event just for high school runners.
Each entrant (except the 2 km runners) will receive a quality Carl Olson t-shirt with a new logo and design. The top runners of each gender and the top three-person high school team will receive plaques. All runners are eligible for door prizes that include fitness center memberships, gift certificates to Cross Country Sports and Downwind Sports, and many others. The event is run by the Copper Country Ski Tigers to benefit the Middle School and High School Racing Program.
Visit Keweenaw Trails for the schedule and print out the entry form (teams should send forms together). Please direct any questions to Dean Woodbeck via email: dean@selfprop.com or phone 487-7472 daytime or 482-5014 evenings.
Update: If you are willing to bake and donate two dozen cookies or bars for the Carl Olson Memorial Run, please contact Jan Woodbeck at jpwoodbeck@hotmail.com.
Traditionally, the Carl Olson race is known for its homemade -- not store bought -- baked goods. Fruit will be provided at the aid station, but fresh baked goodies are at the finish line for all participants. Cookies and bars work better than sticky food that needs a fork or a plate.
Donations can be delivered from 7 a.m. to 8:45 a.m. the morning of the race -- Saturday, Aug. 25 -- at the Registration area in the old Chassell School. Disposable plates/pans are appreciated; but, if you want your plate or pan back, please put your name on it and pick it up after the races.
About 130 participants (and about 40 volunteers) are anticipated.
If you have questions, call Jan at 482-5014.
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