A short walk down the path to the creek led to a peaceful spot near the water where the birdsongs seemed to announce the arrival of spring -- at last.
Swedetown Creek, near Portage Lake, is a peaceful spot for watching migratory birds and listening to their songs. (Video clip © 2008 Michele Bourdieu)
The Copper Country Audubon Club has offered the City of Hancock $1000 and volunteer work for maintenance if the City decides to make the area at the mouth of Swedetown Creek a park.
Editor's Note: At their meeting on May 21, the Hancock City Council did not take a re-vote on whether or not Government Lot 5 is or should be a park. Watch for an update on this issue, coming soon.
The Copper Country Audubon Club has offered the City of Hancock $1000 and volunteer work for maintenance if the City decides to make the area at the mouth of Swedetown Creek a park.
Editor's Note: At their meeting on May 21, the Hancock City Council did not take a re-vote on whether or not Government Lot 5 is or should be a park. Watch for an update on this issue, coming soon.
Update: Whimbrel spotted at Hermit's Cove
On the other side of the Keweenaw Peninsula, a few miles north on U.S. 41, local birder David Flaspohler, associate professor in Michigan Tech's School of Forest Resources and Environmental Science, spotted a Whimbrel at about 9 a.m. on Sunday, May 25. Flaspohler photographed the bird at Hermit's Cove, between Gay and Lac La Belle.

The Whimbrel is a kind of Curlew, a genus of wader or shorebird species that breed across areas of subarctic North America, Europe (as far south as Scotland) and Asia. In September 1977 the Whimbrel inspired a stamp in the Faroe Islands.

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