Composer and musician Paul Seitz says the concert program will be preceded by a Workshop (open rehearsal) at 10 a.m. Thursday, also at the Calumet Art Center:

"In a concert program like ours, most of the music has never been performed before, and much of it is being rehearsed for the first time. So, although we have been preparing for weeks, we've always expected to be rehearsing right up to the day of the concert," Seitz explains. "All six of the composers who have written for this program will be at the evening concert and several will be present at the 'open rehearsal' as well. This is also a chance to observe the interaction of the performers with each other and with the composers and to get some extra insight into the music, as well as an opportunity to visit this lovely performing space."
Here is the tentative Program:
John Donne Songs, for voice and French horn (1972)** Paul Seitz
poems from The Litanie, by John Donne (1572-1631)
The Virgins
The Martyrs
Christine Seitz, soprano and John Peiffer, horn
"Who is this man?/Why did you have to dance with me" (2010)*
(from the musical, Trust Me) words and music by John Peiffer
Christine Seitz, soprano; John Peiffer, baritone; Jon Ensminger, piano
John Peiffer, horn and voice, has been Assistant Principal Horn of the Kennedy Center Opera House Orchestra in Washington, DC since 1999. He has been coming to the U.P. to play Principal Horn with the Pine Mountain Music Festival since 2001. Enjoying the unique environment and the superb opportunities for skiing, kayaking and music making, he now divides his time between his residence in Maryland and his home in the Copper Country.
Three by May Sarton (1989)** Paul Seitz
poems by May Sarton (1912-1995)
I. Definition
II. Lullaby
III. Canticle
Christine Seitz, soprano, and Jon Ensminger, piano

Two Songs, for soprano, violin and viola (2011)* Nathan R Barber
poems by K Carlton Johnson, Lake Linden, MI
Visiting Ennis, Co. Clare, Ireland
Christine Seitz, soprano; Sylvia Ensminger, violin; Paul Seitz, viola

More than All Roses, for string quartet (2011)* Robert Suits
Sylvia Ensminger, Elizabeth Meyer, violins; Paul Seitz, viola; Patrick Quimby, cello
Robert Suits, an Upper Peninsula native, is a longtime musician and composer, writing his first song in elementary school, and participating in community and school choruses from a very early age. He is currently pursuing a BA in History and in Music Composition at Amherst College in western Massachusetts. Despite much involvement in the world of music, he never planned to pursue music beyond a casual level of interest until his sophomore year at Amherst. At this point, he began to take composition seriously and has subsequently written multiple choral and instrumental works.
Concertino for Marimba and Strings (2008) Nathan R Barber
Thomas Bjoraker, marimba; Sylvia Ensminger, Elizabeth Meyer, violins; Paul Seitz, viola; Patrick Quimby, cello
Brief Intermission
Nine Heads Rolling, for solo percussion (2011)* by Thomas Bjoraker
Thomas Bjoraker, percussion
Tom Bjoraker is currently working towards his degree in percussion performance at the University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point (UWSP). During the last three years he has been studying under Robert Rosen and Ryan Korb. While at UWSP Tom has performed in the symphony orchestra, the wind ensemble, and the jazz combos.
Waltzing with Amadeus (2011)* Elizabeth Meyer
Bryan Suits, flute; Robyn Johnson, clarinet; Sylvia Ensminger, violin; Nathan Barber, percussion

** Indicates Michigan premiere performance
The Calumet Art Center is at 57055 Fifth Street in Calumet. For information call (906) 281-3494.
The Calumet Art Center is at 57055 Fifth Street in Calumet. For information call (906) 281-3494.
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