Skiers head across a bridge on the Maasto Hiihto River Trail during the 2011 Barnelöpet Ski Race on Feb. 13. The 6-km race offers the opportunity to enjoy views of Swedetown Creek, running through the gorge. (Video clip by Keweenaw Now)
HANCOCK -- The 3rd Annual Barnelöpet Ski Race, sponsored by the Sons of Norway, was a great success -- a non-competitive family event attracting about 40 skiers of all ages to the Maasto Hiihto Ski Trails on Feb. 13, 2011.
While parents skied or snow-shoed with younger children, intermediate or more advanced skiers enjoyed the 6-km race that included views of the picturesque River Trail. All participants received a large enameled, dated, BARNELOPET medal upon completion of their race.

"About 8 dozen cookies and 70 cups of hot chocolate were consumed," said Wayne Stordahl, event director. "We had 30 adults who helped with registration, as trail monitors and timers, with awards and at the refreshment table. I believe that the event went very well, the weather was good and the kids liked their medals and refreshments. Every one seemed to have had a good time."

Connie Julien, member of the Ulseth Lodge, Sons of Norway, said some of the 30 adult volunteers included some older Ski Tigers (a local cross-country youth ski group).
"We would also like to thank the older Ski Tigers who helped out with the Barnelöpet," Julien said. "These younger skiers really look up to those older skiers so their help was greatly appreciated by all."
Click here or go to our top right column to view our Keweenaw Now slide show of the 2011 Barnelöpet.
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