CALUMET --Bundle up the family and head to the north end of the Keweenaw Peninsula for the 2nd Annual Copper Dog 150 professional and recreational sled-dog competitions this weekend -- Friday, March 4, through Sunday, March 6, 2011. This award-winning Keweenaw backwoods adventure promises fun and excitement for all ages!
The Copper Dog 150 is one of the Midwest’s newest and most inspiring adventures in the sport of mushing. Over 30 Pro-class race teams will compete and pit their and their team's skills and conditioning against other world-class competitors. The best ten times take home a piece of the $20,000 race purse.
Events in Calumet begin at 5 p.m. Friday, March 4, with a Copper Dog Street Party at the corner of Oak and Fifth streets. It includes live music, food, beer, and a fundraiser and is expected to last until 1 a.m.
Fifth and Scott streets in Calumet will be the scene of the Pre-Race Ceremony from 7 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. and the Start of the Race, beginning at 7:30 p.m. on Friday.
At 9:15 p.m. don't miss the Copper Dog 150 Fireworks over Agassiz Park, Calumet.
For those who wish to watch the race teams, check out the spectator locations and times on the Schedule of Events.
On Friday the teams will race from Calumet to Eagle Harbor; on Saturday, March 5, the race continues from Eagle Harbor to Copper Harbor; the final leg is the race from Copper Harbor back to Calumet on Sunday, March 6.
Click here for the Overview Map showing the start and finish times and locations.
Click here for the Trail Map.
On Friday, check out the art events in Calumet, including art openings at the Ed Gray Gallery -- a fund-raising Box Art exhibit -- and at the Vertin Gallery, with K. Carlton Johnson's exhibit "Under Glass." Stop in at the Calumet Art Center between 5:30 p.m. and 8 p.m. on Friday to warm up at their Open House. See our article on the art exhibits.
Update: In addition to music groups playing at Fifth and Oak Streets, don't be surprised to hear the Backroom Boys playing old jazz, blues, and whatnot in the Conglomerate Café on Fifth Street starting at about 7 p.m. Friday evening. The Backroom Boys are Bob Norden, trombone and vocals; John Munson on clarinet and sax; and Oren Tikkanen, banjo, guitar and vocals.
"When your sweetie gets cold from dancing in the snow and encouraging the valiant sled dogs, come on in for a hot chocolate, coffee, or something stronger, and enjoy some music with a New Orleans touch," says Oren Tikkanen. "Remember, this is also the beginning of Mardi Gras weekend, so let the good times roll!"
Saturday's events include a Continental Breakfast from 6:30 a.m. - 9 a.m. at the Eagle Harbor Inn, Eagle Harbor; free Sled Dog Rides for Kids from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. in Copper Harbor; a Mid-Race Banquet (public welcome) from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. at the Mariner North, Copper Harbor; the Copper Dog Weight Pull and Kids' Kick-Sled and Sled Dog Races between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. in Calumet. See the Schedule for details.
On Sunday, the Pines and Tamarack restaurants will be open for breakfast at 5:30 a.m.
The Copper Dog 150 will conclude between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. on Sunday, March 6, on Fifth Street in Calumet.
Main Street Calumet's Copper Dog 150 Sled Dog Race Committee is again sponsoring the Paw Prints Challenge. Residents and area visitors can show their support for the Copper Dog by buying Paw Print stickers from participating businesses, organizations, and individuals.
For every 150 Paw Prints sold, you’re eligible to receive a free dasher board to advertise your business or promote your cause. The dasher boards will be displayed along the downtown Calumet start and finish route.
For details about how to obtain your Paw Prints, or for more information, contact Main Street Calumet at 906-337-6246 or David Rheault at 906-370-0028.
Check out the Main Street Calumet Web site for more info on the Race.
See a video of last year's Copper Dog 150 Race on the Copper Dog 150 Web site.
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