By Jeremy S. Sandrik*
"Objective journalism is one of the main reasons American politics has been allowed to be so corrupt for so long. You can’t be objective about Nixon," said the good Dr. Hunter S. Thompson in an interview with the Atlantic in August, 1997. That said, on Tuesday, March 22, 2011, Congressman Dan Benishek made an appearance at Keweenaw Brewing Company to meet and greet his constituents, the good people of the Houghton/Keweenaw region.
For twenty minutes or so before the event began, the microbrewery began to fill with a mix of lizards in suits, University big wigs, hippies and freaks from both bygone and burgeoning eras, artists, teachers, students, union leaders, trapeze swingers, the works. At 4 p.m. on a Tuesday, there were far too many people downing pints of strong beer for the illusion of calm and decorum to last long. The mood in the room was electric, anticipatory. Nobody knew what we’d be looking at when the Congressman entered the bar. Would there be a formal address followed by questions? Would everybody crowd around a table and have a civil discussion? Would the room collapse into an anarchic fury with indistinguishable layers of voices, sour expressions, and vehement finger pointing? As the story unfolds, consider that I was furiously photographing the Congressman’s encounters, during which time my ears became largely useless as my focus turned to capturing images. I leave it to the objective journalists to provide thorough direct quotations to softball questions. Besides, for me this event was more about the real guests of honor, the people of the Copper Country community.

As it was, Congressman Benishek entered KBC, closely followed by a young handler as he began working his way down the bar, stopping to glad-hand and briefly speak one-on-one with the people bellied up to the bar. I don’t think the man made it three handshakes in before meeting fiery opposition from Barbara Simila of Copper City, who grilled him liberally and viscerally regarding K-12 education defunding.

Rattled, Benishek moved on and reintroduced himself to someone he thought was an old, familiar face: local long-haired freak Ray Molzon. There was an awkward moment when Ray informed the Congressman that they had indeed never met.

Hope loomed immediately to stage right as the Congressman spotted formal suits and Michigan Tech apparel occupied by MTU’s Dean of the Graduate School Jacqueline Huntoon and Director of Graduate Marketing and Advancement Jacque Smith. Here the Gentleman from Michigan seemed to find himself at home in a conversation characterized by measured tones and polite smiles.

Needless to say, I was bored out of my gourd and kibitzed with Ray and my lady, the lovely local photographer and artist Stephanie Trevino. Over her shoulder I spotted my buddy Evan, who had the look of a man deep in thought.

Evan spoke to Ray and me about the shock doctrine being practiced in Wisconsin, Michigan, other states, and within the Federal Government. It’s a neat trick. All you have to do is create a budget crisis by slashing taxes on business and the rich, then exploit the resulting budget shortfall to eliminate political opposition and programs designed to help the poor and middle class. At the end of the day you can sleep at night by dropping a deceptive throw-away line about the shared sacrifice. Its brilliance in execution is rivaled only by the transparency of its hypocrisy. That sucking sound you hear is a testament to the efficiency of the inverted economic funnel, moving wealth from the lowest earners of society to the top 1 percent. The government gets to brag about the balanced budget while reciprocating the campaign contributions of millionaires and billionaires in the form of tax cuts and corporate subsidies. Naomi Klein (naomiklein.org) wrote about these ideas in her number-one international bestseller, Shock Doctrine, The Rise of Disaster Capitalism, and has been featured in interviews on the topic on MSNBC (msnbc.com) and Democracy Now! (democracynow.org).
Evan and I decided the Congressman could use a pint and we treated him to a Pick Axe Blonde Ale. Dr. Benishek was seen mixing it up over Social Security with Clarence McDonald, former chair of the Houghton County Democrats and UAW (United Auto Workers) chair for the Western U.P. Some wonderful people were meandering the bar serving gooey brownies and carrot cake.

The beer flowed; vigorous conversation built to a pleasant hum as Congressman Benishek called the room to attention for an address.

The canned speech began as you might expect, with the boilerplate talking points regarding trillion-dollar deficits inherited by this Congress from both Bush and Obama administrations. There are difficult choices to be made, and he repeated his overused talking point relating the fact that everybody that comes to his office wants to cut spending in someone else’s program. Some ruckus began with a few murmurs from the crowd at about the one-minute mark . . . something mumbled under the breath here, then there.

Soon enough, Evan seized a lull in the conversation and launched into what I’d describe as a show-stealing, fact-packed, relentless, beautiful oratory. Even the breathing seemed choreographed not to allow any interruption until he’d finished his point, which revolved around the previously mentioned shock doctrine and Benishek’s support of balancing the budget on the backs of the poor while giving the rich a break. A suited gentleman in front of me suggested to Evan that the crowd was gathered to hear the Congressman speak, to which a woman nearby replied, "No, I think he’s doing fine."
This sort of spontaneous room-wide conversation continued to the point where there was no longer a Congressman addressing his constituents, but constituents hashing it out with each other, occasionally throwing it back to Dr. Benishek for his two cents. Benishek made the error of referring to Social Security as an entitlement, to which Barb Simila quipped, "How dare you call Social Security an entitlement? I paid into that for more than thirty years!" He was hurling undercooked spaghetti at the walls and nothing stuck.

Benishek stated he wanted to make Social Security solvent. "How?" erupted from behind my camera lens, just below my nose. I peered around the room and there was fire in the eyes of the citizens in that room. Smoke billowed from their ears. woman standing close to the Congressman extended her tongue in disgust.

Dave Rulison made a particularly poignant point when he said, "Some of this money to get us out of this debt should be coming from the top, wealthiest people, but if our leaders would lead by example -- if our governors, if our elected officials that are telling us we have to do all these things to balance the budget would step forward and, say, take a pay cut -- or offer something in return that would help the economy themselves, then I think more and more people would get behind them on these ideas that they're putting forward."
Benishek replied, "We cut our budget 5 percent."
Clarence McDonald suggested, "How about 50?"

"Teachers are taking a 12 percent cut," came from an unknown voice. The noise in the room at this point was palpable, and tying words to faces became a challenge. There was certainly a feeling in the air that what we’re witnessing in this country is far from shared sacrifice.
Shortly following this exchange, one of Benishek’s supporters in the rear spoke up and praised the Congressman’s hard work on behalf of all of us in the First District. The statement was followed by tepid applause from the previously overwhelmingly silent supporters in the crowd. Benishek spoke to a few more small groups of people before stealing away for a one-on-one interview. Among the exchanges was a conversation with Dr. Sarah Green, Michigan Tech Department of Chemistry chair. I’d missed the opening salvos of the discussion, but I clearly caught Dr. Green ask, "Well, may I educate you?" Afterward I learned the education pertained to the reality of climate change and Benishek’s denial of said reality. During this exchange the aforementioned aide seemed to be attempting to pull the Congressman from a losing battle of intellect and helping him hold his proverbial pants up.

I came away from this event not feeling any opposition had changed the Congressman’s mind, certainly no more so than his arguments had changed mine. The key to these events in my mind is to mobilize neighbors to share ideas and dreams, to build new connections and strengthen existing ones. The highlight for me was sharing beers with new friends Ann Pace and John Slivon, who encouraged me to consider a career in opera. I talked teacher shop with Barb Simila, and met one of her former students, Zach Bromley, with whom I made tentative canoeing plans. There were heartfelt conversations and connections made that will endure. The Invisible Committee wrote in their manifesto The Coming Insurrection, "We’re counting on what is unconditional about blood connections to make the framework for a political solidarity as impenetrable to state interference as a gypsy encampment." I feel that work is beginning for me and am grateful to those that have been building that framework here for decades and longer in the Keweenaw. It’s good to be home.
*Editor's Notes: Guest writer and photographer Jeremy S. Sandrik is a Copper Country resident.
The opinions expressed in our guest articles are not necessarily or not entirely the views of Keweenaw Now.
Great descriptions and photos! Made me feel like I was there.
Thanks much! Great talk tonight, if this is the Kate I think it is.
How did you determine that it was carrot cake?
Wonderful post, Jeremy! I finally got around to reading it. In addition to the prose, the photos you shared of the event are thrilling eye prizes.
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