Pick-up times for the sale will be from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. on Friday, May 6, and from 10 a.m. until noon on Saturday, May 7, at the Houghton County Arena, 1500 Birch St., Hancock. Order early and remember Mother's Day is May 8.
"The Annual Tree Sale is our MAJOR Fundraiser of the year," said HKCD Administrator Sue Haralson. "All proceeds go to Conservation efforts and education in Houghton and Keweenaw County."
For the past few years HKCD has not received the operations funding it used to receive from the State of Michigan, Haralson noted at the Mar. 8 Annual Meeting of the Conservation District.
"The money we make at the tree sale keeps the doors open," she said.
New this year are Native Tree plugs, including Northern White Cedar, Eastern Hemlock, Red Pine, White Pine, White Spruce and Northern Red Oak. Trees for wildlife include American Mountain Ash, White Birch, Black Cherry, Roselow Sargent Crabapple, Sugar Maple and Wild Plum.
Shrubs include Redosier Dogwood, Beaked Hazelnut, American Elderberry, Highbush Cranberry, Lilacs and more. Fruit trees include several varieties of apple, cherry, peach, pear and plum. And don't forget to check out the blueberry, blackberry raspberry and strawberry bushes.
Trees are sold in "bare root" condition and are ready for planting when picked up. Fruit trees such as apple or cherry are about four feet tall with a half-inch-diameter stem, which is considered a perfect size for planting.
In addition, the sale includes conservation merchandise such as bat houses, bluebird houses and other items for planting and protecting your plants.
Visit the HKCD Web site for ordering information and for the Tree Sale Catalog.
Click here for the order form. A $15 late fee will be charged for orders not picked up by noon on Saturday, May 7.
Note: Extra stock will be sold at the pick up site.
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