By Gustavo Bourdieu* Translated from the Spanish by Michele Bourdieu
HOUGHTON -- On World Water Day, March 22, 2011, Michele and I went to Michigan Tech to hear "Sustaining Lake Superior," the guest lecture by Dr. Nancy Langston, noted environmental historian from the University of Wisconson-Madison. It was a good experience for me. After passing various buildings on campus (I'm always confused by the abbreviations like MUB, EERC, MDU, MTO, SDC, and finally M and M) we came in from the March wind to hear this interesting, illustrated presentation on the pollution left by the industries of the past -- especially from intensive logging and the pulp mills on the north shore of Lake Superior -- and how all this affects our cherished lake.

Dr. Nancy demonstrated graphically the past and present impacts of this pollution and how, combined with climate change, it will affect our future and that of our descendants if important decisions are not made quickly to preserve the health of our forests and watershed. The important point of her lecture, as I see it, is that history teaches us a lesson and we must take advantage of the knowledge we have: We already know how much damage has been done and what has caused it.

In her presentation we saw brochures about DDT from more than 50 years ago -- when it was considered a cure-all -- and even to this day it continues to poison the environment.

Each day the earth's population increases, and we must take care of our health. While borders are drawn on maps, we all exist in one world. Thus it is that what happens in Japan also affects other countries, and vice-versa.
Likewise, a few years ago when it was said that bees were contracting a virus, in my 45-year experience as a beekeeper my first thought was that this must be the residual effect of insecticides that remain in the environment and affect our tireless worker bees.

Let us care for our environment for the good of all living creatures, yes, all. Let none be excluded. We must guarantee this -- for the water and the air and our pacchamama (mother earth in the Quechua language). Our early ancestors respected this natural world. Now it is our turn. When the next generation follows us, let us be able to say to them, "Task accomplished -- NEXT!"

Thanks to Michigan Tech for inviting such a distinguished scholar. I hope that her practical advice will be followed unselfishly for the good of all.
*Gustavo Bourdieu, Keweenaw Now photographer and guest writer, has been a beekeeper in Peru, in Georgia and now in the Keweenaw.
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